Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Poetry Moment: Grapes of Youth

 I wrote this poem recently...I guess the 40's make you reflective...
File:Grape Vines - Cliff Lede Winery.jpgGrapes of Youth
Taken unawares by time
Betrayed by the random few greys
The slight wrinkle here
And there

The heart of late beats the same as of youth
the mind of now; It is hoped
keeps in check the blind recklessness of desires past.

The dreams and yearnings of now, are of a later vintage;
Mellowed, distilled (it is hoped) of some of the illusion

Yet, they still bear the vibrant taste of the grapes of youth.
The sweet tasting wine of now
Would not be as sweet if not infused by  youthful grapes


Thursday, July 14, 2011

Point Reyes in July



Only someone native to Northern California would know that although beautiful, a beach visit in July is usually a very cool, windy and foggy experience.

Above is the view from just below the lighthouse.  Breath taking ; beautiful but

SO COLD and HIGH WINDS.  We were prepared and brought lots of layers and even brought shorts just in case it was miraculously warm


P7130021The dear were out and about and didn’t seem phased by our driving past them as the grazed.

P7130031Here is our little group, hiking down to get a better view of the coast.

P7130034 I really think he was hugging me so that he could get warm!

P7130040 Oliver playing with his boat in a tide pool.

We went down to Drakes Beach to have our lunch and let the kids play.  It was more sheltered from the wind, and we had a really good time.

P7130041Max was more than happy to get wet up to his waist and beyond I think!

P7130046Lavender had fun with her girlfriends, which she calls “the kids”.

P7130047                             P7130048

I love these two photos!

P7130054 Lunch with a view….and seagulls waiting for any little scrap to drop on the ground.  Oliver thought is was more fun to feed his sandwich to the gulls than to eat it himself.


My clogs were waiting on the rocks after I walked near the waves.

Between the wind, the drive and the playing, we were all worn out afterwards, but in that good sandy tired feeling you are supposed to have after a beautiful day out doors at the beach!

a sweet little moment

I was in service this week and for a few doors was working with Oliver, just the two of us.  it was really fun.  William and Lavender joined us later, but it’s always special to have a moment alone with one of your children, doing the most important work there is to do!


Sunday, July 10, 2011

Morning Masterpiece!

This is hands down the best recipe I have ever found for blueberry muffins.  The toppings is  cinnamon streusel loveliness (all sweet and crumbly)!


The recipe is from Cooks Country Magazine.(July 2007)  It’s my favorite magazine.  I splurged last year and got a subscription. I refer to them all of the time.  I also love the “best of” Cooks Illustrated copies you can get at the magazine stand in most grocery stores. 

P7100012 Sending you happy blueberry muffin wishes for the day!

-Mama CoCo

Sweet Seat

Finally, I finished my first seat cushion for my dining chairs. This one is the “proto-type, as I had to work out some of the design issues with my original design (kind of came together as I was playing with the fabric. I am in love with this fabric line.  I had a hard time deciding on which color-way to choose, as this design came in pink and a burgundy red.  I have of the red for some aprons and table linens…but the black goes with my dining area and would hide stains the best.

P7090005P7090004When Oliver saw the cake designs, he said “Chocolate!”

I have to confess, the polka dot bows are my favorite part!


Now I have to make 3 more….

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Ollie Love Lola!

Yesterday Lola Anicia came over for the afternoon.  Oliver was happy to get all of the cuddles he could. He got a lollipop and crawled up on grandma’s lap for some snuggle time.  He looks like a really happy camper!


Thursday, July 7, 2011

Tiny New Dancer!

Lavender had her first ballet class today.  She is so cute in her little leotard.
She got her “real” ballet slippers at class today. They are the smallest size they make (she still has toddler sized feet!)
(notice the 5 band aides on her little thighs, poor baby) 
she did fine but was having trouble walking when she got home….it’s advil and off to bed for my little girl! (Oliver already had his dose of medicine!)


5 yr. old check up x 2

I can hardly believe the twins are 5!  Their appointment today started off all smiles
Oliver is 38” tall , Lavender is 38 3/4 inches tall

blood pressure testing didn’t phase them…except they moved around too much for a good reading!
Oliver did great on the hearing test
BUT THEN…. 5 shots for each little one.  This was truly awful.  I had to hold them down as they screamed and screamed.  They were not happy campers when they left. OUCH!  Mommy went to Target and bought sympathy toys…and baby advil….poor little things!


Relaxing in Berkeley


078He looks relaxed!

In an effort to escape the heat on Tuesday, we ran off to Berkeley for some window shopping and park time.  We always have fun on 4th street.  Here, Max tries out the lounge furniture at a garden shop.  The shop had the most beautiful orchids!

Other shots of cool patio furniture…accessorized with cute kids!

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081Lavender loved the bronze sculpture!



085Brothers bonding!

096 Swinging at the park!

093Tire Swing

100Artistic shot for the day…

105flowers trees and a slight breeze

108interesting plants

114pretty pink petals

116a garden path

118My Big Boy and Me!


QIP update: Lavender’s Quilt

Here is an update on Lavender’s quilt.  I am now working on the edging which is a combo of nine-patch squares and solids put together to form the block.   Everything I do is a learning experience, since I have never done nine-patches.  It’s kind of a love hate thing…first it looks like too much work, then it becomes interesting to see how it will turn out, then it becomes annoying when things don’t exactly match up….then it’s fun to see it all put together….(after you rip out your mistakes and re-assemble)  This photo shows a mistake I didn’t catch…which will require another seam ripper moment…..ah the patience is required!



Little Big Man


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little muscles!

Keeping Cool in the Pool



The heat wave was something else this week, but Max was keeping his Cool!




Sunday, Daddy and the Kids went to a Luau themed party… can you say “two busy little kids?” Max when early with Auntie, so I only got a photo of the little ones in their aloha gear.

Once the flash was on, I snap a shot that was in focus!